Newday’s diary


Love from Oregon




                   おこし下さり どうも有難うございます。






                                  Wake up every morning with the thought

                                that something wonderful is about to happen




          Stop for a minute breathe and be proud of

                                yourself for how far you've come




            Each day do your best and let go of the rest





                                            Good people bring out good things in people




                                         No beauty shines brighter than that 

                                         of a good heart



                                       Believe good things will happen and they will




                                    Bring love wherever you go, shine a light wherever

                                     it's dark, leave blessings wherever you've been,

                                     be kind wherever you are




                                         Happiness is  enjoying the little things of life




     Thoughts that make you happy are the thoughts that keep you healthy




                                                  Don't lose hope, you never know

                                                  what tomorrow will bring




                                        Create your own happiness, over thinking can

                                        ruin your happiness





                 Always love people from your heart  and not from your mood or needs





                                          A good laugh and a long sleep are the two

                                          best cures for anything





                                           All I want is a clear mind and a happy heart




                                        Todays little moments become tomorrows

                                        precious memories




                                             Be known for your kindness & grace




                                The best feeling of happiness is when you are happy

                                 because you have made someone else happy





                                   Don't look back you're not going that way




                                              A heart that loves is always young




                                                  Colors are the smiles of nature




                                                            Happiness is good food                        





                                                 All we need is each other




















                                              It's the little moments that make life big





                                          Don't follow your dreams chase them




                                 Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations




                                              The best feeling in the world is being

                                              loved back by the person you love




                             ママちゃんのNew dayに訪れて下さりありがとうおおきに






        再びママちゃんのNew dayにてお会いできる日を今から

        お楽しみだわぁあああぁ 素晴らしい素敵な一日でありますように。